Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Birthday's Suck

Colors spun around me, the room blurred as I spun and moved to the music. The bump and grind of other people around me was rhythmic and smooth as we all swayed to the sounds echoing from the huge speakers around the room. The song ended but another one started almost immediately. I disentangled myself from the mass of people bouncing to the new song and clicked to the bar. I was wearing red sandals with three inch heels. Funny though, I didn't remember putting these on when my friends hustled me to this cluv. Then I remembered the bag my friend Amber had with her. She must have had them in there and swapped my shoes for these. I leaned over the bar and looked for the bartender. When I was looking to the right, he came up behind me on the left. "~Can I help you?~" He asked in perfect Japanese. (note: I can't speak Japanese.) I leaned back over the counter, slightly shame-faced. "~Um yeah sorry. I just need a Strawberry Daiquiri, extra alcohol please~" I said in flawless Japanese. He nodded, apparently I was already forgiven. "Ok but I'm going to need to see your ID.~" I nodded and handed him my drivers license. He checked the date and smirked at me. "~Your birthday is today?~" I wrinkled my nose. "~Ugh yes. The only good thing that came out a this is that I am now legal here.~" The guy nodded. He got started on my Daiquiri and I felt an arm around my waist. "~KAAAAAAIIIIIITTTTTTYYYYYYY!!!~" My gay best friend Izzy was falling over himself, with his boytoy boyfriend holding up his other side. Izzy isn't one of those 'Flamboyant Gays', you know the ones that are sometimes better at giving tips and swapping gossip than normal girls. He only goes flamboyant on us when he's drunk. I groaned as Izzy passed out. "Ah no Izzy! Not now! Dammit, Payne for someone that doesn't drink, you sure do let Izzy.~" I glared at him. He just grinned and said, "~He's fun when he's drunk!~" I slapped my head into my hand. "Fine! Whatever! But you," I jabbed him in the chest while keeping Izzy off the ground by one arm. "are going to be taking care of him for the rest of the night. And tomorrow when he's hung over!~" He shrugged. "~Okay.~" I held up one finger. "~And, you can't call any of us for the Cure." Payne groaned. "~But Kaaaaiiiittttyyy!!!!~" He wined at me. (Payne is the flamboyant one.) "~Don't! Start with me!~" He pouted. I rolled my eyes. "Its your fault. Maybe this will teach you not to let Izzy drink this much.~" Payne rolled his eyes at me. "At least tonight I'm gettin' the best sex EVER!!!!" He screamed the last part in English. A few people glanced over at us, mostly our group. The rest were tourists like us. I was suddenly glad Amber had recommended this off-the-beaten-track club for my birthday party. The bartender set my drink on the bar. "~This one and the next few are on me.~" He glanced at the wild couple now grinding up against each other. (Izzy had woken up. When he passes out, its only for about 10 mins. and he's ready to go again.) I nodded and mouthed 'Thank You' to him. He nodded and went to go serve a few other girls. As I beat my head on the bar, I reflected on how I'd come to this point. Halfway around the planet, with two of my cousins and six of my closest friends on my 20th birthday.